Friday, October 10, 2008

Meet Baeli Madison Ringle!!!

On October 8th 2008 our family welcomed Baeli Madison Ringle. She was 6 lbs 7 ozs and 18 in long. She was welcomed by her parents Dan and Erin, her brother Kaleb, and sisters Mikaeli and Kaerli.

October is a VERY busy month for us. Kaleb's birthday is October 7th, Baeli was born on the 8th, Dan's birthday is on the 18th and Mikaeli's birthday is on the 19th. Much business this month.

All three of the kids were so excited to hear the news that they received a new little sister.

Mikaeli came into my room after school beaming. Mom picked her up from school and told her the news that Baeli was born. She held Baeli for over an hour just singing to her, and telling her that she was so happy to FINALLY meet her. She kept telling Baeli that she would protect her and keep her safe. It was very sweet.

Kaleb was so excited when he was picked up from school and brought to my hospital room. He held Baeli, hugged her, and kissed her. Then he asked her why she didn't come the day before on his birthday. He has been such a big help with taking care of Baeli.

Kaerli was the first of my children to meet Baeli. She came in with my mom, and was so happy to get to hold Baeli. She keeps asking me if the baby is still in my tummy, she doesn't understand that the baby that sleeps in Mommy's room is the baby that was in my tummy. She is such a sweet little girl. All of the kids love her.


Kristen said...

Congrats! Baeli is adorable and I'm happy that it all went well.