Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kaleb's First Day at School

Kaleb's first day of school was September 2nd. He loves school. This is Kaleb's Preschool, Little Learners.

He was so excited to go to school this year. He was very sad when he found out that his "girlfriend" from last year Allie went to Kindergarten this year. According to his teacher he already has 3-4 girls swooning over him. He is such a "ladies boy"!

As I said before. Kaleb loves school. When I pick him up, and ask him how his day was without fail he always says "Ummm... It was awesome!!!" Then he proceeds to tell you exactly what he did during the day. He also gets really disappointed (like today) when he realizes that he doesn't get to go to school every day like Mikaeli (he only goes Monday through Wednesday). I got Mikaeli ready for school today, and Kaleb begged to go with her after I told him that he doesn't go back to school until Monday.

It pleases me that both Mikaeli and Kaleb love school. Kaerli loves spending some time alone with me, but she gets really sad that Mikaeli and Kaleb get to go to school and she doesn't.