Monday, June 23, 2008

The kids First Campout!!!

Today marks a special occasion. Today Mikaeli, Kaleb, and Kaerli get to have their very first campout of the year in OUR OWN back yard.

The kids were so excited to go "Camping, we had to come up with an idea so that all three of the kids were covered for the night. Hopefully it will be warm enough for the kids to be able to spend the whole night out there.

All three kids have been planning their camp out all day long. Unfortunately we couldn't find Kaleb's Cars tent so we had to use our imagination. Good posers huh?

What do you think of our Make-shift tent? It took a long time to come up with this... and actually get it to stay together.

They don't want Mommy out there so I get to sleep in the living room so I can keep an eye on them.

It turned out that it was too cold, and the bugs were too bad for them to be outside. But they got to have fun camping in the living room instead. I guess we need to find a tent that closes. HAHA! They made in almost 2 hours.


Kristen said...

What a fun idea! I think a tent will definitely help next time. =o)