Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today marked a historical day for the United States. Today Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. Today we begin a new page and a new chapter in our history as we bid farewell to George Bush as leaves for Texas and we say hello to our new President. It is a moving day in every sense of the word.

All of my children (the ones who are aware of what is going on around them) got to see the inauguration today. Kaleb and Kaerli got to watch it at home on the computer with me, and Mikaeli got to watch it at school. I am pleased that Mikaeli's school felt that it was important enough to let the kids experience that.
For those who watched the Inauguration you know that Obama botched the Oath of Office. He wouldn't say his full name and he couldn't recite the Oath without the Chief Justice repeating it three times. How embarrassing! I think they should have him redo the Oath. I would completely agree if they had him do it again.

Last night I watched a program (while trying to lull myself to sleep) about what happens to the White House during the inauguration of a new president. The "lame duck president" has 25 movers come in and they have 1 hour to pack all of their belongings, because the next hour is dedicated to the in coming presidents' movers to redecorate the living quarters how they want it. It isn't only limited to the president and his family's living quarters, it is for all of the "lame duck presidents" as well. The new president has their own staff coming in and their belongings are moved in as well. Amazing really.


Kristen said...

I don't remember what I was doing that day, but I missed the whole thing! How crazy is that? I'm glad the school makes sure they get to see it.

Ashley said...

you've been tagged! Check out my blog for the rules :)