Wednesday, January 2, 2008


For Christmas the kids had a blast! We didn't stay up as late wrapping presents this year as last year, because "Santa" was smart this year and wrapped presents as they were bought instead of Christmas Eve.
We have several traditions for Christmas. On Christmas Eve we go over to Dan's parents house and we eat Potato soup, the kids always have an activity while dinner is finishing, and after we eat we have a talent show. After everyone participates in the talent show we exchange our name gifts. Everyone in the family chooses a name out of a hat at Thanksgiving and we have a certain amount that we can spend on that person. Then after gifts are exchanged we go home and get kids ready for Santa to come.
On Christmas we open presents at our house then we go to Dan's parents to finish opening presents. After that is done we go to my parents house and have our Christmas celebration there. It is very tiring, but so much fun being with everyone on both sides of the family.

Kaleb was so excited mainly because he got mostly Cars stuff. He got a Cars quilt, and cars jammies (which he was able to open Christmas Eve). He got lots of toys but what he was mostly excited about was the books and puzzles that Santa was very intuitive and got for him. :) Boy is Santa smart!

Kaerli was all about opening presents this year. More so this year than last year, well she wasn't quite 1 last year and now she is almost 2 *sigh*. She loved as I said opening presents... it didn't matter to her whether they were hers or not, as long as she got to open them she was great. The favorite for her this year were the babies. She LOVES babies.

Mikaeli was excited because Santa actually came. We told her that if she didn't get to bed on time that he wouldn't come... as it was, the kids didn't get to bed until almost 11 and Santa wasn't going to come at all... he obviously had a change of heart. Her favorites this year were books.