Friday, October 12, 2007

About Us

Dan and I were married January 12, 2001 in the Bountiful Utah LDS Temple. We also have 3 children. Mikaeli who was born October 19, 2001, will be 6, Kaleb who was born October 7, 2004, turned 3, and Kaerli who was born March 10, 2006 will be 2.
Dan just finished Nursing school and is currently working towards his bachelors degree online at South University. He is working on the Medical/Surgical floor at Cassia Regional (our local hospital). He also is a referee for Football, Basketball, and Baseball in his spare time. This summer Dan had the opportunity to play in the 2nd Annual Burley Alumni Baseball game. He had a lot of fun. I will probably add some pictures from it. It was so much fun!

Erin (me) will be starting again with the college thing in January.. This time I am going to be smart about it and take classes online at the same school that Dan is taking his classes. I am involved in Mikaelis school PTO and I am in charge of the book fair which is at the end of this month (two days before Halloween UGH!) I will also be in charge of several other events during the year in which I will find out after the book fair is over.

Mikaeli as I said before will be 6 at the end of this week. She is also in Kindergarten. She is taking dance, plays sports (baseball and soccer) is starting to get the hang of reading. She was so proud of herself because she read in its entirity her first book. She loves drama, anything that has to do with dressing up, AKA Halloween. She is planning on being a "Little Black Rain Cloud" for Halloween this year. Mainly what that means for me is a lot of creativity.

Kaleb just turned 3, and he just finished getting potty trained. Although he has yet to get the hang of pulling his pants up after going potty, (which means when we are in restaraunts and he goes by himself he usually comes out completely BUCK NAKED!) Oh yes it has happened more than once. Very embarrassing. I never had to worry about that with Mikaeli, she was always self consious. Not Kaleb, Oh no! He is into cars, trucks and tractors. He gets really excited when he sees a tractor or some kind of truck. Kaleb is my tornado #1! I can never keep my house clean due to this guy running around.

Kaerli will be 2 in March, and is starting to talk up a storm. She still uses sign language the majority of the time, but her verbal skills are going through the roof. A lot of people ask me if she is deaf when they see me signing to her. I just tell them that I would rather her sign what she wants rather than screaming. I wish that I had figured that out sooner with Kaleb, that would have saved me so many headaches. Kaerli is starting to figure things out, word association. Her favorite words are "button, kitty, pumpkin and movie". She is my second tornado, her and Kaleb don't like it when Mommy cleans, because it means that all of their toys get put away. Man I can't wait until I get a bigger house where I have a room specifically designated for toys!